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Wednesday 17 October 2012

First assignment presentation

Today is the seventh October 2012

       In today’s lecture, all the students had a presentation of an assignment, the theme was about Problem and solution associated in Information Management; the students had to work on groups composed by 5 or 6 students.
And this morning, each groups had to present their works in front of the lecturer and the others students.
         The subject was very interesting but most of the students didn’t handle it very well, especially me,  so to day I’m going to talk about what was happened in our presentations and  explain more things that I’ve remarked during it.
        First of all, I’d to like to say that I’m very proud and happy to study in foundation because I feel with determination and certainty that we’re going to improve our knowledge, our skills, our behavior and even our self-reflection by the helps of our remarkable Lecturer.
       Hence, Come back to how the presentation was, I’d like to present my sincere apologies to my favor lecturer  Miss Nur Khairunnisha Zainal  for my laziness to didn’t prepare very well  the assignment because  of the lack of connection  internet yesterday.   I know that it was not a reason for to fail but I have done my best this morning to do some research.
     During my presentation, I want to let you to know that it was my first presentation and my first time to speak in front of many people holding a microphone so it was inevitable to get stress and forget about everything :) 
.       OOhh what a shame??  I’d like to repeat again but anyway it was a great experience and I hope that next time I will prepare myself BYEEEEEEEEEEE.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

 My name is bilali youssouf said, i m 24 years old and i m from COMOROS  island.I have seven siblings,six brother and one sister,two of them are actually studying in French.I finished my highschool in 2010 with a diplomat of bachelor in french.I went to Kenya in Graffinc's College for English Studies.One year later i left and went to Madagascar to study LAW, suddenly i received the offer letter from Albukhary international University.However i immediately bought my flight tickets for Malaysia to secure and pursue my higher Education.When i reach in Malaysia it was amazing  because i can t believe that one day,  i will be in that particular country but now its actually happen and i m here now.In fact, i took the bus and it was six hours travelling along the way from Kuala Lumpur Airport to AIU(Albukhary International University).I m so happy to be in this university because i learnt to live with so many people with different nationality and learnt also name of different country which i never knew before like Vanuatu,Buthan,.... . Altough,i learnt information and technologie before in my high school days but it was the basic one.Now, i m learning new knowledge in this course. i have already some knowledge and experience since i was in high school. i have learnt about computer and its program such as ,microsoft word,skyblog,msn,etc...In conclusion information and technologie is one of my favourite course and i know, i will improve my capacity intelectual to achieve the course requiremnents to succeed in my academic studies.